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Advocacy Archive 10/28

To the Editor,

Already, millions of people and companies are making changes to their practices in order to combat the climate crisis that is an ever present risk to our species and all other living things.  People are conscious of their single use plastic intake and companies are pledging to reduce their carbon footprint. These are all good and necessary steps, but we must be looking towards creating change on a bigger scale.  It seems that the majority does not understand, or perhaps is afraid to admit, that policy and regulation are the only hopes we have of fending off the inevitable. The human race is hard wired to take whatever resource they desire until it becomes unavailable.  There’s no way around this fact, even if the resources and means of acquiring such resources are harmful to our environment (most of them are). With this said, companies that have pledged their allegiance to fighting the climate crisis must, also, set the precedent of using their political influence to encourage lawful regulation on environmental practices. It is no secret that big business holds power in our politics today.  Shouldn’t it go without saying that these businesses use their position to back up their new climate related goals with the appropriate legislation? They lobby for changes in our economic and trade policies year round. If no such environmental lobbying follows these announced environmental practice reforms, it will be a clear indication that any sort of concern in regards to the climate crisis is superficial and not worth a second thought in the boardrooms of these companies.

As climate conscious individuals, we must do our part by writing to our representatives and vote into office those that share the same concern for the environment that we do.  Synergy and cooperation will be the keys to protecting our future for those that come after us.

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